PTL : the rise and fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's evangelical empire (Kniha, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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PTL : the rise and fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's evangelical empire

PTL : the rise and fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's evangelical empire

Autor John H Wigger
Vydavatel: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2017] ©2017
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Biography : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
In 1974 Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker launched their television show, the PTL Club, from a former furniture store in Charlotte, N.C. with half a dozen friends. By 1987 they stood at the center of a ministry empire that included their own satellite network, a 2300-acre theme park visited by six million people a year, and millions of adoring fans. The Bakkers led a life of conspicuous consumption perfectly aligned with  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Biography
Doplňující formát: Online version:
Wigger, John H., 1959-
New York : Oxford University Press, 2017
Osoba: Jim Bakker; Tammy Faye Messner; Jim Bakker; Tammy Faye Messner
Typ materiálu: Biography
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: John H Wigger
ISBN: 9780199379712 0199379718 9780199379729 0199379726 9780199379736 0199379734 0199379742 9780199379743
OCLC číslo: 960033750
Popis: x, 407 pages, 24 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 25 cm
Obsahy: The DJ and the queen --
A show of his own --
Everyday in the USA --
Abundant life --
The emperor's new groove --
Look me in the eye --
Time bomb --
Special math --
Secret lives --
Four days and three nights --
Cover-up --
Saturday night --
Scandal --
Holy war --
Judgment day --
Epilogue: Apocalypse chow.
Jiné tituly: Praise the Lord
People that love
Odpovědnost: John Wigger.


On its surface, PTL is the spectacular story of the rise and fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker from humble beginnings to wealth, fame, and eventual disgrace. John Wigger makes the case that this is  Přečíst více...
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Wigger's sparkling prose makes the book a joy to read...a necessary addition to the bookshelves of those interested in American religious history. * The Gospel Coalition * PTL...captures the thrill Přečíst více...


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