The Empress of Art : Catherine the Great and the Transformation of Russia (Kniha, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Empress of Art : Catherine the Great and the Transformation of Russia

The Empress of Art : Catherine the Great and the Transformation of Russia

Autor Susan Jaques
Vydavatel: New York, NY : Pegasus Books, [2016] ©2016
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Biography : English : First Pegasus books cloth editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
"An art-oriented biography of the mighty Catherine the Great, who rose from seemingly innocuous beginnings to become one of the most powerful people in the world. A German princess who married a decadent and lazy Russian prince, Catherine mobilized support amongst the Russian nobles, playing off of her husband's increasing corruption and abuse of power. She then staged a coup that ended with him being strangled with  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Biography
Osoba: Catherine, Empress of Russia; Catherine, Empress of Russia; Ekaterina II.; Catherine, Empress of Russia; Katharina, Russland Zarin; Catherine, Empress of Russia; Catherine, Empress of Russia
Typ materiálu: Biography
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Susan Jaques
ISBN: 9781605989723 160598972X
OCLC číslo: 944958990
Popis: xiv, 466 pages, 24 unnumbered pages of plates : chiefly color illustrations ; 24 cm
Obsahy: Part One: Extreme Makeover. This Heavy Thing ; The Brightest Star of the North ; The Ambrosia of Asia ; Collecting Debut ; Building Frenzy ; My Falcon, My Golden Pheasant --
Part Two: Russia is a European Nation. A Monument to Peter and to You ; Make Peace with Your Enemy ; My Prodigal Son ; The Saxon Richelieu ; The Earth and Sea Trembled --
Part Three: War and Love. Queen of Feasts ; Dressed to "Empress" ; Peace Offerings ; Crozat the Poor ; The Coachman of Europe ; Tiger in the Forest --
Part Four: Peace and Prosperity. Sleepless Nights ; Anglomania ; A Crowd and Not a City ; Breaking the Mold ; Brother Gu ; Cateau and the Hermit of Ferney --
Part Five: A Second Rome. Cat and Mouse ; Raphaelism ; Sashenka ; Palladio's Shadow ; The Greek Project --
Part Six: Empire Building. Mother of the Fatherland ; A Rose without Thorns ; The Master of Neuwied ; An Accidental Michelangelo ; Slings and Arrows ; Baby Hercules --
Part Seven: War and Revolution. Center Stage ; Cameo Fever ; Russia's Paradise ; Betrayals ; French Madness ; Curtain Call --
Part Eight: Reaction. Tears and Despair ; A Ticking Clock ; Warsaw's Ours ; Catherine's Library ; Queen of the World ; Joined in Death --
Part Nine. Legacy. A Son's Revenge ; Art-Loving Grandsons ; The End of the Line ; Raiding the Hermitage ; Preservation.
Odpovědnost: Susan Jaques.


Ruthless and passionate, Catherine the Great is singularly responsible for amassing one of the most awe-inspiring collections of art in the world and turning St. Petersburg in to a world wonder.  The  Přečíst více...
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“A well-researched biography. The author provides a unique perspective on the woman who "transformed Russia from a northern backwater to global superpower." An intriguing biography of a ruler whose Přečíst více...


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