The love & lemons cookbook : an apple-to-zucchini celebration of impromptu cooking (Kniha, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The love & lemons cookbook : an apple-to-zucchini celebration of impromptu cooking

The love & lemons cookbook : an apple-to-zucchini celebration of impromptu cooking

Autor Jeanine Donofrio
Vydavatel: New York : Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House, [2016]
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
The Love & Lemons Cookbook features more than one hundred simple recipes that help you turn your farmers market finds into delicious meals. Organized by ingredient, The Love & Lemons Cookbook teaches readers how to make beautiful food with what's on hand, whether it's a bunch of rainbow-colored heirloom carrots from the farmers market or a four-pound cauliflower that just shows up in a CSA box. The book also  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Cookbook
Livres de cuisine
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Jeanine Donofrio
ISBN: 9781583335864 1583335862
OCLC číslo: 940795513
Poznámky: Includes index.
Ocenění: Saveur's best cooking blog award winner.
Popis: xv, 291 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
Obsahy: Why love & lemons? : how to cook with what you have --
Apples --
Artichokes --
Asparagus --
Avocados --
Berries --
Broccoli --
Brussels sprouts --
Cabbage & chicories --
Carrots --
Cauliflower --
Citrus --
Corn --
Cucumber --
Eggplant --
Greens --
Herbs --
Mushrooms --
Onions --
Peas --
Peppers --
Potatoes --
Root veggies --
Stone fruits --
Tomatoes --
Winter squash --
Zucchini & summer squash.
Jiné tituly: Love and lemons cookbook
Odpovědnost: Jeanine Donofrio, Jack Mathews.


The Love & Lemons Cookbook features more than one hundred simple recipes that help you turn your farmers market finds into delicious meals. Organized by ingredient, The Love & Lemons Cookbook teaches readers how to make beautiful food with what's on hand, whether it's a bunch of rainbow-colored heirloom carrots from the farmers market or a four-pound cauliflower that just shows up in a CSA box. The book also features resources to show readers how to stock their pantry, gluten-free and vegan options for many of the recipes, as well as ideas on mixing and matching ingredients, so that readers always have something new to try.
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