The screaming staircase (e-book, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The screaming staircase

The screaming staircase

Autor: Jonathan Stroud
Editora: New York : Disney-Hyperion Books, [2013]
Edição/Formato   e-book : Documento : Escola primária e secundário : Ficção : Inglês : First editionVer todas as edições e formatos
Follows three young operatives of a Psychic Detection Agency as they battle an epidemic of ghosts in London.
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Gênero/Forma: ghost stories
Ghost stories
Juvenile works
Paranormal fiction
Histoires de fantômes
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Formato Físico Adicional: Print version:
Stroud, Jonathan.
Screaming staircase.
(DLC) 2013000352
Tipo de Material: Documento, Escola primária e secundário, Ficção, Recurso Internet
Tipo de Documento Recursos de internet, Arquivo de computador
Todos os Autores / Contribuintes: Jonathan Stroud
ISBN: 9781423187905 1423187903 9781448121786 1448121787
Número OCLC: 919141198
Prêmios: Winner of Hampshire Book Award 2014 (UK)
Winner of We Read 2015 (UK)
Short-listed for Coventry Inspiration Book Awards 2015 (UK)
Short-listed for North East Book Award 2015 (UK)
Short-listed for Hampshire Book Award 2015 (UK)
Long-listed for Guardian Children's Book Prize 2014 (UK)
Long-listed for Inky Awards (Australia) 2015 (UK)
Descrição: 1 online resource (390 pages)
Responsabilidade: Jonathan Stroud.


Lucy Carlyle, a talented young agent, arrives in London hoping for a notable career. Instead she finds herself joining the smallest, most ramshackle agency in the city, run by the charismatic Anthony  Ler mais...
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Nielsen BookData

This story will keep you reading late into the night, but you'll want to leave the lights on. Stroud is a genius at inventing an utterly believable world which is very much like ours, but so creepily Ler mais...


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