Trouble boys : the true story of the Replacements (Buch, 2016) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Trouble boys : the true story of the Replacements

Trouble boys : the true story of the Replacements

Autor: Bob Mehr
Verlag: Boston, MA : Da Capo Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group, [2016]
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Biografie : Englisch : First Da Capo Press editionAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
Written with the participation of the Replacement's key members, including reclusive singer-songwriter Paul Westerberg, bassist Tommy Stinson, and the family of late guitarist Bob Stinson, Mehr creates a deeply intimate and nuanced portrait that exposes the primal factors and forces-- addiction, abuse, fear-- that would shape one of the most brilliant and notoriously self-destructive groups of all time. He tracks  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Biography
Medienart: Biografie
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: Bob Mehr
ISBN: 9780306818790 0306818795 9780306822032 0306822032 9780306825361 0306825368
OCLC-Nummer: 913829598
Beschreibung: xiv, 474 pages, 32 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 25 cm
Inhalt: Introduction --
Jail, death, or janitor --
A band for our time --
Dreams and games --
The last --
Verfasserangabe: Bob Mehr.


The definitive biography of The Replacements, told with the cooperation of the band and those closest to them.  Weiterlesen…
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"The destruction. The volume. The cruelty. The charm. The songs. The songs. The songs. To live close to Paul Westerberg's material was to be lifted...then bent by it. The songs were that good. Mehr Weiterlesen…


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