Light in the dark = Luz en lo oscuro : rewriting identity, spirituality, reality (Buch, 2015) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Light in the dark = Luz en lo oscuro : rewriting identity, spirituality, reality

Light in the dark = Luz en lo oscuro : rewriting identity, spirituality, reality

Autor: Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
Verlag: Durham, North Carolina : Duke University Press, 2015.
Serien: Latin America otherwise.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Biografie : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
"Written during the last decade of her life, Light in the Dark represents the culmination of Gloria E. Anzaldúa's mature thought and the most comprehensive presentation of her philosophy. Throughout, Anzaldúa weaves personal narratives into deeply engaging theoretical readings to comment on numerous contemporary issues-- including the September 11 attacks, neocolonial practices in the art world, and coalition  Weiterlesen…
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Name: Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzalduá; Gloria Anzaldúa
Medienart: Biografie
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
ISBN: 9780822359777 0822359774 9780822360094 0822360098 0822375036 9780822375036
Sprachhinweis: Text in English and Spanish.
OCLC-Nummer: 898158425
Beschreibung: xxxvii, 271 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Inhalt: Editor's introduction: Re-envisioning Coyolxauhqui, decolonizing reality : Anzaldúa's twenty-first-century imperative / AnaLouise Keating --
Preface: Gestures of the body = Escribiendo para idear. --
1. Let us be the healing of the wound : the Coyolxauhqui imperative = La sombra y el sueño --
2. Flights of the imagination : rereading/rewriting realities --
3. Border arte : nepantla, el lugar de la frontera --
4. Geographies of selves--
reimagining identity : nos/otras (us/other), las nepantleras, and the new tribalism --
5. Putting Coyolxauhqui together : a creative process --
6. Now let us shift ... conocimiento ... inner work, public acts. --
Agradecimientos = Acknowledgments. --
Appendix 1. Lloronas dissertation material : proposal, table of contents, and chapter outline --
Appendix 2. Anzaldúa's health --
Appendix 3. Unfinished sections and additional notes from chapter 2 --
Appendix 4. Alternative opening, chapter 4 --
Appendix 5. Historical notes on the chapters' development--
Appendix 6. Invitation and call for papers, testimonios volume. --
Notes --
Glossary --
Bibliography --
Serientitel: Latin America otherwise.
Andere Titel Luz en lo oscuro
Verfasserangabe: Gloria E. Anzaldúa ; edited by AnaLouise Keating.


Light in the Dark is the culmination of Gloria E. Anzaldua's mature thought and the most comprehensive presentation of her philosophy. Focusing on aesthetics, ontology, epistemology, and ethics, it  Weiterlesen…
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"Published more than a decade after Anzaldúa’s death, the collection of essays is a welcomed resource for scholars and students of Anzaldúa, Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, and American studies. Weiterlesen…


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