Bridging : how Gloria Anzaldua's life and work transformed our own (Kniha, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Bridging : how Gloria Anzaldua's life and work transformed our own

Bridging : how Gloria Anzaldua's life and work transformed our own

Autor AnaLouise Keating; Gloria González-López
Vydavatel: Austin : University of Texas Press, 2012 ©2011
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty

Thirty-two wide-ranging voices pay tribute to the late Gloria Anzaldúa, the beloved poet and fiction writer who redefined lesbian and Chicana/o identities for thousands of readers.

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Osoba: Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: AnaLouise Keating; Gloria González-López
ISBN: 9780292743953 0292743955
DOI: 10.7560/725553
OCLC číslo: 870286250
Popis: xiv, 276 pages
Obsahy: Con profunda gratitudBuilding Bridges, Transforming Loss, Shaping New Dialogues: Anzaldúan Studies for the Twenty-First Century (AnaLouise Keating and Gloria González-López)I. The New Mestizas: "transitions and transformations" 1. Bridges of conocimiento: Una conversación con Gloria Anzaldúa (Lorena M. P. Gajardo)2. A Letter to Gloria Anzaldúa Written from 30, Feet and 25 Years after Her "Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to 3rd-World Women Writers" (ariel robello)3. Deconstructing the Immigrant Self: The Day I Discovered I Am a Latina (Anahí Viladrich)4. My Path of Conocimiento: How Graduate School Transformed Me into a Nepantlera (Jessica Heredia)5. Aprendiendo a Vivir/Aprendiendo a Morir (Norma Elia Cantú)6. Making Face, Rompiendo Barreras: The Activist Legacy of Gloria E. Anzaldúa (Aída Hurtado)II. Exposing the Wounds: "You gave me permission to fly into the dark" 7. Anzaldúa, Maestra (Sebastián José Colón-Otero)8. "May We Do Work That Matters": Bridging Gloria Anzaldúa across Borders (Claire Joysmith)9. A Call to Action: Spiritual Activism . . . an Inevitable Unfolding (Karina L. Céspedes)10. Gloria Anzaldúa and the Meaning of Queer (Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba)11. Breaking Our Chains: Achieving Nos/otras Consciousness (Lei Zhang)12. Conocimiento and Healing: Academic Wounds, Survival, and Tenure (Gloria González-López)III. Border Crossings: Inner Struggles, Outer Change 13. Letters from Nepantla: Writing through the Responsibilities and Implications of the Anzaldúan Legacy (Michelle Kleisath)14. Challenging Oppressive Educational Practices: Gloria Anzaldúa on My Mind, in My Spirit (Betsy Eudey)15. Living Transculturation: Confessions of a Santero Sociologist (Glenn Jacobs)16. Acercándose a Gloria Anzaldúa to Attempt Community (Paola Zaccaria)17. Learning to Live Together: Bridging Communities, Bridging Worlds (Shelley Fisher Fishkin)18. Risking the Vision, Transforming the Divides: Nepantlera Perspectives on Academic Boundaries, Identities, and Lives (AnaLouise Keating)IV. Bridging Theories: Intellectual Activism with/in Borders 19. "To live in the borderlands means you" (Mariana Ortega)20. A Modo de Testimoniar: Borderlands, Papeles, and U.S. Academia (EstheR Cuesta)21. On Borderlands and Bridges: An Inquiry into Gloria Anzaldúa's Methodology (Jorge Capetillo-Ponce)22. For Gloria, Para Mi (Mary Catherine Loving)23. Chicana Feminist Sociology in the Borderlands (Elisa Facio and Denise A. Segura)24. Embracing Borderlands: Gloria Anzaldúa and Writing Studies (Andrea A. Lunsford)V. Todas Somos Nos/otras: Toward a "Politics of Openness" 25. Hurting, Believing, and Changing the World: My Faith in Gloria Anzaldúa (Suzanne Bost)26. Feels Like "Carving Bone": (Re)Creating the Activist-Self, (Re)Articulating Transnational Journeys, while Sifting through Anzaldúan Thought (Kavitha Koshy)27. Shifting (Kelli Zaytoun)28. "Darkness, My Night": The Philosophical Challenge of Gloria Anzaldúa's Aesthetics of the Shadow (María DeGuzmán)29. The Simultaneity of Self- and Global Transformations: Bridging with Anzaldúa's Liberating Vision (Mohammad H. Tamdgidi)30. For Gloria Anzaldúa . . . Who Left Us Too Soon (Gloria Steinem)31. She Eagle: For Gloria Anzaldúa (Becky Thompson)NotesGlossaryWorks CitedPublished Writings by Gloria E. AnzaldúaContributors' BiographiesIndex
Odpovědnost: edited by Analouise Keating and Gloria González-López.
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