Starting now (Kniha, 2014) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Starting now

Starting now

Autor Debbie Macomber
Vydavatel: New York : Ballantine Books, 2014. ©2013
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Fiction : English : Ballantine Books mass market editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
After being let go from her competitive, high-pressure Seattle law firm, Libby Morgan reaches out to old friends and spends her afternoons at A Good Yarn, the local knitting store, where she forms close bonds with three women and finds time for romance with a charming and handsome doctor who seems to be her perfect match. But just as everything is coming together, Libby must make a choice that could forever change  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Romance fiction
Domestic fiction
Love stories
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Typ materiálu: Fiction
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Debbie Macomber
ISBN: 9780345528834 0345528832
OCLC číslo: 861672414
Popis: 441 pages ; 18 cm.
Odpovědnost: Debbie Macomber.


After being let go from her competitive, high-pressure Seattle law firm, Libby Morgan reaches out to old friends and spends her afternoons at A Good Yarn, the local knitting store, where she forms close bonds with three women and finds time for romance with a charming and handsome doctor who seems to be her perfect match. But just as everything is coming together, Libby must make a choice that could forever change the life she holds so dear.
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