The guns of August (Libro-e, 1982) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The guns of August

The guns of August

Autor: Barbara W Tuchman
Editorial: New York : Bonanza Books, 1982, ©1962.
Edición/Formato:   Libro-e : Documento : Inglés (eng)Ver todas las ediciones y todos los formatos
-- Sunday TelegraphBarbara Tuchman achieved prominence as a historian with The Zimmerman TelegramA Distant Mirror and The Zimmerman Telegram are published by Penguin.
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Tipo de material: Documento, Recurso en Internet
Tipo de documento Recurso internet, Archivo de computadora
Todos autores / colaboradores: Barbara W Tuchman
ISBN: 9780307567628 0307567621 9780241968222 0241968224
Número OCLC: 851760356
Notas: Reprint. Originally published: New York : Macmillan, 1962.
Includes index.
Electronic book.
Descripción: 1 online resource
Responsabilidad: Barbara W. Tuchman.


-- Sunday TelegraphBarbara Tuchman achieved prominence as a historian with The Zimmerman TelegramA Distant Mirror and The Zimmerman Telegram are published by Penguin.
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Resumen de la editorial

Dazzling -- Max Hastings Magnificent. A masterpiece of the historian's art * Guardian * A brilliant achievement * Sunday Telegraph * Excellent * Wall Street Journal * A brilliant piece of military Leer más


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