Deadline (Boek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Auteur: Sandra Brown
Uitgever: New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2013.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : Engels : First editionAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Already coping with battle fatigue following his return from Afghanistan, journalist Dawson Scott receives a tip he cannot ignore about a potentially huge story involving the son of terrorists at-large for forty years.
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Genre/vorm: Romantic suspense fiction
Suspense fiction
Detective and mystery fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Mystery fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Materiaalsoort: Fictie, Internetbron
Soort document: Boek, Internetbron
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Sandra Brown
ISBN: 9781455501519 1455501514 9781455501502 1455501506 9781455576005 145557600X 9781455549122 1455549126
OCLC-nummer: 827082706
Beschrijving: 410 pages ; 24 cm
Andere titels: Dead line
Verantwoordelijkheid: Sandra Brown.


Already coping with battle fatigue following his return from Afghanistan, journalist Dawson Scott receives a tip he cannot ignore about a potentially huge story involving the son of terrorists at-large for forty years.

Dawson Scott is a well-respected journalist recently returned from Afghanistan. Haunted by everything he experienced, he's privately suffering from battle fatigue which is a threat to every aspect of his life. But then he gets a call from a source within the FBI. A new development has come to light in a story that began 40 years ago. It could be the BIG story of Dawson's career one in which he has a vested interest. Soon, Dawson is covering the disappearance and presumed murder of former Marine Jeremy Wesson, the biological son of the pair of terrorists who remain on the FBI's Most Wanted list. As Dawson delves into the story, he finds himself developing feelings for Wesson's ex-wife, Amelia, and her two young sons. But when Amelia's nanny turns up dead, the case takes a stunning new turn, with Dawson himself becoming a suspect.

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