How lucky you are (Boek, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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How lucky you are

How lucky you are

Auteur: Kristyn Kusek Lewis
Uitgever: New York : Five Spot, 2012.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : Engels : 1st edAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Waverly, Kate, and Amy are the very best of friends--a tight-knit trio that's always had Waverly at its center. But suddenly Waverly's role as the group's anchor is being tested. The cozy bakery she runs faces financial ruin because of her mounting debt, and her long-term relationship feels stale rather than secure. Independent and headstrong Kate is married to a man who's on track to be the next governor of  Meer lezen...
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Genre/vorm: Fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Materiaalsoort: Fictie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Kristyn Kusek Lewis
ISBN: 9781455502035 1455502030
OCLC-nummer: 824701399
Beschrijving: 340 pages ; 21 cm
Verantwoordelijkheid: Kristyn Kusek Lewis.


Waverly, Kate, and Amy are the very best of friends--a tight-knit trio that's always had Waverly at its center. But suddenly Waverly's role as the group's anchor is being tested. The cozy bakery she runs faces financial ruin because of her mounting debt, and her long-term relationship feels stale rather than secure. Independent and headstrong Kate is married to a man who's on track to be the next governor of Virginia, but larger, unsettling questions are brewing in their future. Stay-at-home mom Amy has a perfect life on paper, but when a horrific secret threatens to reveal itself, she panics. As life's pressures begin to tear the three women apart, Waverly knows she has some big decisions to make. Soon she will discover that the lines between loyalty and betrayal can become blurred, happy endings aren't always clear-cut--and sometimes you have to risk everything to gain the life you deserve.
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