The Declaration of Independence (Buch, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence

Autor: Rebecca Rissman
Verlag: Minneapolis, MN : ABDO Publishing Company, [2013]
Serien: Foundations of our nation.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Jugendliches Publikum : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
"Have you ever wondered about the events that laid the foundations of the United States of America? This title explores the reasons and people involved in the creation and signing of The Declaration of Independence. Special features include sidebars, infographics, on-page definitions, online search sidebar, further evidence sidebar and primary sources. This title also includes a timeline, glossary, Web links, index,  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Literature
Juvenile works
Juvenile literature
Ouvrages pour la jeunesse
Medienart: Jugendliches Publikum
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: Rebecca Rissman
ISBN: 9781617837081 1617837083 9781617837586 161783758X
OCLC-Nummer: 810999333
Beschreibung: 48 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm.
Inhalt: The roots of rebellion --
Turning to independence --
Inside the Declaration of Independence --
Signing the Declaration --
What does the Declaration mean to us?
Serientitel: Foundations of our nation.
Verfasserangabe: by Rebecca Rissman ; content consultant, William Pencak, Adjunct Professor of History, Ohio State University.


"Have you ever wondered about the events that laid the foundations of the United States of America? This title explores the reasons and people involved in the creation and signing of The Declaration of Independence. Special features include sidebars, infographics, on-page definitions, online search sidebar, further evidence sidebar and primary sources. This title also includes a timeline, glossary, Web links, index, and common core activities. Core Library is an imprint of ABDO Publishing."--
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