Fracking (Boek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Auteur: Tamara Thompson
Uitgever: Detroit : Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, 2013.
Reeks: At issue., Environment.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
"At Issue: Fracking: Books in this anthology series focus a wide range of viewpoints onto a single controversial issue, providing in-depth discussions by leading advocates, a quick grounding in the issues, and a challenge to critical thinking skills"--
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Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Tamara Thompson
ISBN: 9780737765090 0737765097 9780737765106 0737765100
OCLC-nummer: 809412079
Beschrijving: 106 pages ; 24 cm.
Inhoud: The serious risks of fracking outweigh its benefits / Natural Resources Defense Council --
Hydraulic fracturing can be done responsibly / ExxonMobil --
Hydraulic fracturing should be banned / Food & Water Watch --
Fracking contaminates drinking water / Abrahm Lustgarten and Nick Kusnetz --
Fracking pollutes the air with hazardous chemicals / Jim Polson and Jim Efstathiou Jr. --
Fracking causes seismic instability and earthquakes / Dusty Horwitt and Alex Formuzis --
The truth about fracking / Kevin D. Williamson --
Americans favor stricter regulations for fracking / Jim Efstathiou Jr. --
States are the proper regulators of natural gas drilling / Michael L. Krancer --
The chemicals used for fracking should be fully disclosed / Lisa Song --
The drilling industry defends keeping fracking chemicals secret / Mark Jaffe --
New waterless method could reduce pollution associated with fracking / Brian Nearing and Anthony Brino.
Titel reeks: At issue., Environment.
Verantwoordelijkheid: Tamara Thompson, book editor.


"At Issue: Fracking: Books in this anthology series focus a wide range of viewpoints onto a single controversial issue, providing in-depth discussions by leading advocates, a quick grounding in the issues, and a challenge to critical thinking skills"--
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