Stranger things (Boek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Stranger things

Stranger things

Auteur: David Lubar; Matt Loveridge
Uitgever: New York : Scholastic, ©2013.
Reeks: Looniverse, #1; Branches
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Fictie : Basisschool : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
When ordinary third-grader Ed finds a coin with the words "strange" and "stranger" on both sides, weird things start happening around him--but when his friends start blaming him for all the weirdness Ed wonders if this coin is not too strange for comfort.
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Genre/vorm: Fantasy fiction
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Materiaalsoort: Fictie, Basisschool
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: David Lubar; Matt Loveridge
ISBN: 9780545496025 0545496020 9780545496018 0545496012 9780606319829 0606319824
OCLC-nummer: 796081958
Opmerkingen: "Branches."
Beschrijving: 90 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
Inhoud: When ordinary third-grader Ed finds a coin with the words "strange" and "stranger" on both sides, weird things start happening around him --
but when his friends start blaming him for all the weirdness Ed wonders if this coin is not too strange for comfort. Suggested level: age 5+.-When ordinary third-grader Ed finds a coin with the words "strange" and "stranger" on both sides, weird things start happening around him --
but when his friends start blaming him for all the weirdness Ed wonders if this coin is not too strange for comfort.
Titel reeks: Looniverse, #1; Branches
Verantwoordelijkheid: by David Lubar ; illustrated by Matt Loveridge.


When ordinary third-grader Ed finds a coin with the words "strange" and "stranger" on both sides, weird things start happening around him--but when his friends start blaming him for all the weirdness Ed wonders if this coin is not too strange for comfort.
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