One last strike : fifty years in baseball, ten and a half games back, and one final championship season (Large print book, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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One last strike : fifty years in baseball, ten and a half games back, and one final championship season

One last strike : fifty years in baseball, ten and a half games back, and one final championship season

Author: Tony La Russa; Rick Hummel
Publisher: New York : Harperluxe, ©2012.
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Biography : English : 1st HarperLuxe edView all editions and formats
The legendary baseball manager takes readers behind the scenes of the St. Louis Cardinals' 2011 season, detailing a journey that resulted in one of the most dramatic World Series of all time.
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Genre/Form: Autobiography
Named Person: Tony La Russa; Tony La Russa
Material Type: Biography
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Tony La Russa; Rick Hummel
ISBN: 9780062207715 0062207717
OCLC Number: 785079483
Description: 624 pages (large print), [16] pages of plates : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 23 cm
Contents: pt. 1. Going the distance ; Spring starts at zero ; Opening day ; The surge ; The storm ; Buyer or seller ; Touch decisions ; Sliding ; The comeback ; The big close --
pt. 2. Seeing things in a new light ; Turning pages ; Split ; Hanging in there ; Brothers in arms --
pt. 3 em right here ; The right kind of bull ; Making it happen --
pt. 4. Back again ; Run not hide ; The middle of the road ; You had to see it for yourself ; We're history.
Responsibility: Tony La Russa with Rick Hummel ; [with a foreword by John Grisham].


The legendary baseball manager takes readers behind the scenes of the St. Louis Cardinals' 2011 season, detailing a journey that resulted in one of the most dramatic World Series of all time.
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