Stuck Rubber Baby. (Libro, 1996) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Stuck Rubber Baby.

Stuck Rubber Baby.

Autore: Howard Cruse
Pubblicazione: Dc Comics, 1996.
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa
Art and story combine powerfully in this lyrical tale of a young man caught in the maelstrom of the civil rights movement and the entrenched homophobia of small-town America. Toland Polk, the son of an uneducated white carpenter, has grown up in the Southern town of Clayfield. It is the 1960s, a time of passionate beliefs and violent emotions, and Clayfield's citizens are divided in the fight over segregation. As  Per saperne di più…
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Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Howard Cruse
ISBN: 9781563892554 1563892553
Numero OCLC: 732753904


Presents a story that is set in the South in the early '60s and deals with homophobia, racism and the gay subculture of that period.  Per saperne di più…
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