John Adams (Buch, 2002) [Texas Group Catalog]
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John Adams

John Adams

Autor: David McCullough
Verlag: New York : Touchstone , 2002. ©2001
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : EnglischAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
David McCullough unfolds the adventurous life journey of John Adams, the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution; who rose to become the second president of the United States and saved the country from blundering into an unnecessary war; who was learned beyond all but a few and regarded by some as "out of his senses";  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Biographies
Name: John Adams
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: David McCullough
ISBN: 0743223136 9780743223133
OCLC-Nummer: 679762875
Auszeichnungen: Winner of Pulitzer Prize Biography Category 2002
Beschreibung: 751 pages index 24 cm
Verfasserangabe: by David McCullough.


A biography of the extraordinary man who became the second president of the United States, this book traces John Adams' adventurous life and spirited rivalry with Thomas Jefferson, and encompasses  Weiterlesen…
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