Formatos e Edições deThe lost books of the Bible : the gospels, epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his Apostles and their companions, and not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament ; and, Syriac mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius []
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      Título / Autor Tipo Idioma Data / Edição Publicação Biblioteca
1. The lost books of the Bible : the gospels, epistles,... Autor: Jeremiah Jones
Autor: Jeremiah Jones; William Wake; William Hone;
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Old Saybrook, Conn. : Konecky & Konecky
Texas Group Catalog
2. The lost books of the Bible : the Gospels, Epistles,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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Old Saybrook, Conn. : Konecky & Konecky
Texas Group Catalog
3. The Lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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Bell 1979 ed
New York : Bell Pub. Co.
Bibliotecas WorldCat
4. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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Bell 1979 ed
New York : Bell Pub. Co.
Bibliotecas WorldCat
5. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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New York : Testament Books
Bibliotecas WorldCat
6. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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New York, N.Y. : Testament Books
Bibliotecas WorldCat
7. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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Bell 1979 ed
New York : Bell Pub. Company
Bibliotecas WorldCat
8. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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Bell 1979 ed
New York : Bell Pub. Co.
Bibliotecas WorldCat
9. The Lost books of the Bible : being all the gospels,...   Imprimir livro
[Bell 1979 ed.]
New York : Bell Publishing Co.
Bibliotecas WorldCat
10. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels,... Autor: William Hone
Autor: William Hone; Jeremiah Jones; William Wake;
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New York, Avenel, N.J. : Gramercy Books, Distributed by Outlet Book Co.
Bibliotecas WorldCat
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