Ficciones (書籍, 1962) [Texas Group Catalog]


著者: Jorge Luis BorgesAnthony KerriganAlastair ReidAnthony BonnerHelen Templeすべての著者
出版社: New York : Grove Press, Inc., [1962] ©1962
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Fiction : Englishすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
The seventeen pieces in Ficciones demonstrate the gargantuan powers of imagination, intelligence, and style of one of the greatest writers of this or any other century. Borges sends us on a journey into a compelling, bizarre, and profoundly resonant realm; we enter the fearful sphere of Pascal's abyss, the surreal and literal labyrinth of books, and the iconography of eternal return. More playful and approachable  続きを読む
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ジャンル/形式: Short stories, Argentine
Science fiction, Argentine
Fictional Work
Argentine fiction
short stories
Science fiction
Short stories
Spanish fiction
Translations into English
Romans, nouvelles, etc
関連の人物: Jorge Luis Borges; Jorge Luis Borges
資料の種類: Fiction
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Jorge Luis Borges; Anthony Kerrigan; Alastair Reid; Anthony Bonner; Helen Temple; Ruthven Todd
ISBN: 0802130305 9780802130303 0394172442 9780394172446 0802140750 9780802140753
OCLC No.: 642715
メモ: "Translated from the Spanish, ©1956 by Emecé Editores, S.A., Buenos Aires"--Title page verso.
物理形態: 174 pages ; 21 cm
コンテンツ: Part one. The garden of forking paths: Prologue --
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius / translated by Alastair Reid --
The approach to Al-Mu'tasim / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote / translated by Anthony Bonner --
The circular ruins / translated by Anthony Bonner --
The Babylon lottery / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
An examination of the work of Herbert Quain / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The library of Babel / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The garden of forking paths / translated by Helen Temple and Ruthven Todd --
Part two. Artifices: Prologue --
Funes, the memorious / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The form of the sword / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
Theme of the traitor and hero / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
Death and the compass / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The secret miracle / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
Three versions of Judas / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The end / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The sect of the Phoenix / translated by Anthony Kerrigan --
The South / translated by Anthony Kerrigan.
その他のタイトル: Ficciones.
責任者: Jorge Luis Borges ; edited and with an introduction by Anthony Kerrigan.


The seventeen pieces in Ficciones demonstrate the gargantuan powers of imagination, intelligence, and style of one of the greatest writers of this or any other century. Borges sends us on a journey into a compelling, bizarre, and profoundly resonant realm; we enter the fearful sphere of Pascal's abyss, the surreal and literal labyrinth of books, and the iconography of eternal return. More playful and approachable than the fictions themselves are Borges's Prologues, brief elucidations that offer the uninitiated a passageway into the whirlwind of Borges's genius and mirror the precision and potency of his intellect and inventiveness, his piercing irony, his skepticism, and his obsession with fantasy. To enter the worlds in Ficciones is to enter the mind of Jorge Luis Borges, wherein lies Heaven, Hell, and everything in between.
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Praise for Ficciones: “Without Borges the modern Latin American novel simply would not exist.” —Carlos Fuentes“In resounding the note of the marvelous last struck in English by Wells and Chesterson, 続きを読む




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