Entre mundos/among worlds : new perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldúa (Buch, 2005) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Entre mundos/among worlds : new perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldúa

Entre mundos/among worlds : new perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldúa

Autor: AnaLouise Keating
Verlag: New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Englisch : 1st edAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen

A multidisciplinary investigation of the concepts, impact, and writings of contemporary cultural theorist and creative writer, Gloria Anzaldua. Her work has challenged and expanded previous views in  Weiterlesen…

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Gattung/Form: Criticism, interpretation, etc
Name: Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzalduá; Gloria Anzalduá
Medienart: Internetquelle
Dokumenttyp Buch, Internet-Ressource
Alle Autoren: AnaLouise Keating
ISBN: 1403967210 9781403967213
OCLC-Nummer: 62127985
Beschreibung: xvi, 281 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Inhalt: Introduction : Shifting worlds, una entrada / AnaLouise Keating --
pt. 1. Autohistoria y autohistoria-teoria--(re)writing self, (re)writing culture. Gloria y yo : writing silence and the search for the fronteriza voice / Zulma Y. Méndez --
The 1,001-piece nights of Gloria Anzaldúa : autohistoria-teoría at Florida Atlantic University / Caren S. Neile --
Reclaiming pleasure : reading the body in "People should not die in June in South Texas" / Mary Loving Blanchard --
Daughter of Coatlicue : an interview with Gloria Anzaldúa / Irene Lara --
Living in the house of nepantla / Irene Reti --
pt. 2. Nepantla--pathways to change. La Gloriosa Travesura de la Musa Que Cruza/The misbehaving glory(a) of the border-crossing muse : transgression in Anzaldúa's children's stories / Edith M. Vásquez --
Apertures of in-betweeness, of selves in the middle / Mariana Ortega --
From within germinative stasis : creating active subjectivity, resistant agency / María Lugones --
Negotiating paradoxical spaces : women, disabilities, and the experience of nepantla / Carrie McMaster --
pt. 3. Nos/otras--intersecting selves/intersecting others. What do you learn from what you see? : Gloria Anzaldúa and double-vision in the teaching of writing / Eve Wiederhold --
Reading national identities : the radical disruptions of Borderlands/La Frontera / Beth Berila --
Teaching la Conciencia de la Mestiza in the midst of white privilege / Simona J. Hill --
"Know me unbroken": peeling back the silenced rind of the queer mouth / Mark W. Bundy --
New pathways toward understanding self-in-relation : Anzaldúan (re)visions for developmental psychology / Kelli Zaytown --
pt. 4. Conocimientos--expanding the vision. "So much meat" : Gloria Anzaldúa, the mind/body split, and exerting control over my fat body / Elena Levy-Navarro --
Champion of the spirit : Anzaldúa's critique of rationalist epistemology / Amala Levine --
Shifting the shapes of things to come : the presence of the future in the philosophy of Gloria Anzaldúa / Jane Caputi --
"Doing mestizaje" : when epistemology becomes ethics / Monica Torres --
pt. 5. El mundo zurdo, the new tribalism--forging new alliances. This is personal : revisiting Gloria Anzaldúa from within the borderlands / Lee Maracle --
Spirit, culture, sex : elements of the creative process in Anzaldúa's poetry / Linda Garber --
Radical rhetoric : anger, activism, and change / Amanda Espinosa-Aguilar --
Tierra tremenda : the Earth's agony and ecstasy in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa / Inés Hernández-Ávila --
Shifting perspectives : spiritual activism, social transformation, and the politics of spirit / AnaLouise Keating.
Andere Titel Among worlds
Verfasserangabe: edited by AnaLouise Keating.
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Nielsen BookData

'This wide-ranging and imaginative volume offers invaluable insight into the work of one of the most important cultural theorists and creative writers of our time. One can only applaud the Weiterlesen…


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