The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks (Libro, 2005) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks

The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks

Autore: Susan Casey
Pubblicazione: New York : H. Holt, 2005.
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : Biography : Inglese : 1st edVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
Journalist Casey first saw the great white sharks of the Farallon Islands, some longer than twenty feet, swirling around a small motorboat in a documentary. In a few months, Casey was being hoisted out of the early-winter swells on a crane, up a cliff face to the barren surface of Southeast Farallon Island, just 27 miles off the coast of San Francisco--dubbed by sailors in the 1850s the "devil's teeth." There she  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: Anecdotes
Persona nominata: Susan Casey; Susan Casey
Tipo materiale: Biography, Risorsa internet
Tipo documento Libro, Risorsa Internet
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Susan Casey
ISBN: 080507581X 9780805075816 9780805080117 0805080112
Numero OCLC: 57134599
Descrizione: 291 pages : color illustrations, map ; 25 cm
Responsabilità: Susan Casey.


A vivid dispatch from an otherworldly out-post, a story of crossing the boundary between society and an untamed place where humans are neither wanted nor needed. This book is about Susan Casey, Scot  Per saperne di più…
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