The guns of August (E-book, 1994) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The guns of August

The guns of August

Auteur: Barbara W Tuchman
Uitgever: New York : Ballantine, ©1994.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   E-book : Document : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Barbara Tuchman has brought to life again the people and events that led up to Worl War I. With attention to fascinating detail, and an intense knowledge of her subject and its characters, Ms. Tuchman reveals, for the first time, just how the war started, why, and why it could have been stopped but wasn't. A classic historical survey of a time and a people we all need to  Meer lezen...
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Materiaalsoort: Document, Internetbron
Soort document: Internetbron, Computerbestand
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Barbara W Tuchman
ISBN: 9780307567628 0307567621
OCLC-nummer: 467980378
Beschrijving: 1 online resource (501 pages) : illustrations, maps
Verantwoordelijkheid: Barbara W. Tuchman ; [with a new foreword by Robert K. Massie].


Historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Barbara Tuchman has brought to life again the people and events that led up to Worl War I. With attention to fascinating detail, and an intense knowledge of her subject and its characters, Ms. Tuchman reveals, for the first time, just how the war started, why, and why it could have been stopped but wasn't. A classic historical survey of a time and a people we all need to know more about, THE GUNS OF AUGUST will not be forgotten. Note: This edition does not include the photo insert.
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