John Adams (도서, 2001) [Texas Group Catalog]
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John Adams

John Adams

저자: David G McCullough
출판사: New York : Simon & Schuster, [2001] ©2001
판/형식:   인쇄본 : 전기 : 영어모든 판과 형식 보기
Profiles John Adams, an influential patriot during the American Revolution who became the nation's first vice president and second president.
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장르/형태: Biography
명시된 사람: John Adams; John Adams; John Adams; John Adams; John Adams; John Adams
자료 유형: 전기, 인터넷 자료
문서 유형 도서, 인터넷 자원
모든 저자 / 참여자: David G McCullough
ISBN: 0684813637 9780684813639 9781416575887 141657588X 9780743223133 0743223136
OCLC 번호: 45827978
메모: Illustrations on lining-papers.
공연자 Read by Edward Herrmann.
상: Pulitzer Prize for Biography, 2002.
설명: 751 pages, 40 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits, facsimiles, genealogical table ; 25 cm
내용: pt. 1: revolution --
The road to Philadelphia --
True blue --
Colossus of independence --
pt. 2: distant shores --
Appointment to France --
Unalterably determined --
Abigail in Paris --
London --
pt. 3: independence forever --
Heir apparent --
Old oak --
Statesman --
Rejoice ever more --
Journey's end.
책임: David McCullough.


This biography takes as its subject the extraordinary man who became the second president of the United States, John Adams. His adventurous life and spirited rivalry with Thomas Jefferson encompassed  더 읽기…
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