A single man (書籍, 2001) [Texas Group Catalog]
A single man

A single man

著者: Christopher Isherwood; Gerald Peary; Gerald Peary Collection (College of Staten Island Library)
出版社: Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Fiction : English : First University of Minnesota Press editionすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
"After the sudden death of his longtime lover, George must adjust to life on his own as a professor in Southern California in the early 1960s. During the course of an ordinary day, George is haunted by memories as he seeks connections with the world around him"--
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ジャンル/形式: Psychological fiction
Suspense fiction
Gay fiction
LGBTQ+ fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
資料の種類: Fiction
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Christopher Isherwood; Gerald Peary; Gerald Peary Collection (College of Staten Island Library)
ISBN: 0816638624 9780816638628 9780374533878 0374533873
OCLC No.: 45784417
メモ: "(2009) - Tom Ford w. Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Nicholas Hoult, Matther Goode, Paulette Lamori, Ryan Simpkins, Ginnifer Goodwin, Teddy Sears, Aaron Sanders" -from Collector's description.
物理形態: 186 pages ; 21 cm
責任者: Christopher Isherwood.


"After the sudden death of his longtime lover, George must adjust to life on his own as a professor in Southern California in the early 1960s. During the course of an ordinary day, George is haunted by memories as he seeks connections with the world around him"--

"When A Single Man was originally published, it shocked many by its frank, sympathetic, and moving portrayal of a gay man in midlife. George, the protagonist, is adjusting to life on his own after the sudden death of his partner, and determines to persist in the routines of his daily life: the course of A Single Man spans twenty-four hours in an ordinary day. An Englishman and a professor living in suburban Southern California, he is an outsider in every way, and his internal reflections and interactions with others reveal a man who loves being alive despite everyday injustices and loneliness. Wry, suddenly manic, constantly funny, surprisingly sad, this novel catches the texture of life itself"--

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