Interviews = Entrevistas (Kniha, 2000) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Interviews = Entrevistas

Interviews = Entrevistas

Autor Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
Vydavatel: New York : Routledge, 2000.
Vydání/formát:   Tištěná kniha : Biography : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
In this memoir-like collection, Anzalduá recounts her life, explains many aspects of her thought, and explores the intersections between her writings and postcolonial theory.
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Žánr/forma: interviews
Interviews (form)
Osoba: Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzaldúa; Gloria Anzalduá
Typ materiálu: Biography
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Gloria Anzaldúa; AnaLouise Keating
ISBN: 0415925037 9780415925037 0415925045 9780415925044
OCLC číslo: 42736394
Ocenění: Short-listed for Lambda Literary Awards (Spirituality) 2000
Popis: xiii, 306 pages ; 24 cm
Obsahy: Risking the Personal: An Introduction --
1. Turning Points: An Interview with Linda Smuckler (1982) --
2. Within the Crossroads: Lesbian/Feminist Spiritual Development: An Interview with Christine Weiland (1983) --
3. Lesbian Wit: Conversation with Jeffner Allen (late 1980s) --
4. Making Choices: Writing, Spirituality, Sexuality, and the Political: An Interview with AnaLouise Keating (1991) --
5. Quincentennial: From Victimhood to Active Resistance: Ines Hernandez-Avila y Gloria E. Anzaldua (1991) --
6. Making Alliances, Queerness, and Bridging Conocimientos: An Interview with Jamie Lee Evans (1993) --
7. Doing Gigs: Speaking, Writing, and Change: An Interview with Debbie Blake and Carmen Abrego (1994).
Jiné tituly: Entrevistas
Odpovědnost: Gloria E. Anzaldúa ; edited by AnaLouise Keating.


In this memoir-like collection, Anzaldúa's powerful voice speaks clearly and passionately. For readers engaged in postcoloniality, feminist theory, ethnic studies, or queer identity,  Přečíst více...
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"The book brings together difficult-to-access materials that provide considerable insight into an unusual life." -- Publishers Weekly"For the prolific lesbian Chicana author, interviews are another Přečíst více...


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