The snakebite survivors' club : travels among serpents (Libro, 1999) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The snakebite survivors' club : travels among serpents

The snakebite survivors' club : travels among serpents

Autor: Jeremy Seal
Editorial: New York : Harcourt, 1999.
Edición/Formato:   Libro impreso : Biografía : Inglés (eng) : 1st edVer todas las ediciones y todos los formatos
"A funny, gruesomely fascinating account of the world of snakes and the people they repel, mesmerize, and sometimes kill."--Jacket.
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Género/Forma: Anecdotes
Formato físico adicional: Online version:
Seal, Jeremy.
Snakebite survivors' club.
New York : Harcourt, 1999
Persona designada: Jeremy Seal; Jeremy Seal
Tipo de material: Biografía
Tipo de documento Libro
Todos autores / colaboradores: Jeremy Seal
ISBN: 0151005354 9780151005352
Número OCLC: 42641667
Descripción: 336 pages ; 24 cm
Contenido: The Reptile House --
America I --
Australia I --
Africa I --
America II --
Australia II --
Africa II --
America III --
Australia III --
Africa III --
India I --
America IV --
Australia IV --
Africa IV --
India II --
America V --
Australia V --
Africa V --
India III --
The Snakebite Survivors' Club.
Responsabilidad: Jeremy Seal.


"A funny, gruesomely fascinating account of the world of snakes and the people they repel, mesmerize, and sometimes kill."--Jacket.
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