The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks (書籍, 2006) [Texas Group Catalog]
The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks

The devil's teeth : a true story of obsession and survival among America's great white sharks

著者: Susan Casey
出版社: New York : Henry Holt and Co., 2006, ©2005.
エディション/フォーマット:   紙書籍 : Biography : English : 1st Owl books edすべてのエディションとフォーマットを見る
A journalist describes how her fascination with great white sharks led her to Southeast Farallon Island, a remote island off the California coast, and to a group of biologists who study these fearsome, frequently misunderstood predators of the sea.
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ジャンル/形式: Anecdotes
関連の人物: Susan Casey; Susan Casey
資料の種類: Biography
ドキュメントの種類 書籍
すべての著者/寄与者: Susan Casey
ISBN: 0805080112 9780805080117
OCLC No.: 228473924
メモ: Reprint. Originally published: 2005.
"An Owl book."
物理形態: 291 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), map ; 21 cm
責任者: Susan Casey.


Each fall, twenty-seven miles off the San Francisco coast, in the waters surrounding a rocky island chain, the world's largest congregation of white sharks gather to feed. Presenting an account of a  続きを読む
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