John Adams (Boek, 2008) [Texas Group Catalog]
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John Adams

John Adams

Auteur: David G McCullough
Uitgever: New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2008. [©2001].
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Biografie : Engels : Simon & Schuster trade paperback editionAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
Chronicles the life of America's second president, including his youth, his career as a Massachusetts farmer and lawyer, his marriage to Abigail, his rivalry with Thomas Jefferson, and his influence on the birth of the United States. This edition includes a reading group guide and a special interview with McCullough.
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Genre/vorm: Biographies
Genoemd persoon: John Adams; John Adams; John Adams; John Adams
Materiaalsoort: Biografie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: David G McCullough
ISBN: 9781416575887 141657588X
OCLC-nummer: 191069913
Opmerkingen: Originally published: New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, ©2001.
"This edition includes a reading group guide and a special interview with the author"--Back cover
Onderscheidingen: Winner of Pulitzer Prize Biography Category 2002
Beschrijving: 751 pages, 13 unnumbered pages, 40 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits, genealogical table ; 24 cm
Inhoud: Revolution. The road to Philadelphia ; True blue ; Colossus of independence --
Distant shores. Appointment to France ; Unalterably determined ; Abigail in Paris ; London --
Independence forever. Heir apparent ; Old oak ; Statesman ; Rejoice ever more ; Journey's end.
Verantwoordelijkheid: David McCullough.


A new paperback edition of the 2002 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Biography, a portrait of John Adams, published to tie in with HBO's award winning 7-part mini-series airing on More 4.  Meer lezen...
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