City of endless night (Kniha v Braillově písmu, 2022) [Texas Group Catalog]
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City of endless night

City of endless night

Autor Douglas J Preston; Lincoln Child
Vydavatel: Nanaimo, BC : The Braille Superstore, 2022.
Vydání/formát:   Kniha v Braillově písmu : Braille : Fiction : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
When Grace Ozmian, the beautiful and reckless daughter of a wealthy tech billionaire, first goes missing, the NYPD assumes she has simply sped off on another wild adventure. Until the young woman's body is discovered in an abandoned warehouse in Queens, the head nowhere to be found. Lieutenant CDS Vincent D'Agosta quickly takes the lead. He knows his investigation will attract fierce scrutiny, so D'Agosta is  Přečíst více...
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Žánr/forma: Detective and mystery fiction
Braille books
Livres en braille
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Typ materiálu: Fiction
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Douglas J Preston; Lincoln Child
OCLC číslo: 1426035667
Poznámky: Transcribed in Unified English Braille.
Popis: 4 volumes of Unified English Braille (475 pages) ; 28 cm
Odpovědnost: Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child.


When Grace Ozmian, the beautiful and reckless daughter of a wealthy tech billionaire, first goes missing, the NYPD assumes she has simply sped off on another wild adventure. Until the young woman's body is discovered in an abandoned warehouse in Queens, the head nowhere to be found. Lieutenant CDS Vincent D'Agosta quickly takes the lead. He knows his investigation will attract fierce scrutiny, so D'Agosta is delighted when FBI Special Agent A.X.L. Pendergast shows up at the crime scene assigned to the case. But neither Pendergast nor D'Agosta are prepared for what lies ahead. A diabolical presence is haunting the greater metropolitan area, and Grace Ozmian was only the first of many victims to be murdered. Worse still, there's something unique to the city itself that has attracted the evil eye of the killer. As mass hysteria sets in, Pendergast and D'Agosta find themselves in the crosshairs of an opponent who has threatened the very lifeblood of the city.
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