Saving Winston (DVD) (电影, 2011) [Texas Group Catalog]
Saving Winston (DVD)

Saving Winston (DVD)

著者: Shane Hawks; Victoria Emmons; Meghan McCabe-Habrat; Austin Kearney
出版商: Scottsdale, AZ Pure Flix Entertainment 2011
版本/格式:   视频 : 录像盘   视觉资料
A faith-based family drama about a troubled teen who is forced to leave a self-destructive lifestyle and finds redemption through her faith in God and the rehabilitation of a rescued horse. With stunning visuals, breakthrough performances, and a beautiful soundtrack, Saving Winston is a heartfelt story about a lost soul seeking God's grace. Awarded Dove Foundations 'Family Seal of Approval' and recommended for all  再读一些...
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材料类型: 录像
文档类型 视觉资料
所有的著者/提供者: Shane Hawks; Victoria Emmons; Meghan McCabe-Habrat; Austin Kearney
OCLC号码: 1331614211
注释: Not rated.
Special features : Commentary, trailers, behind the scenes.
演员: Victoria Emmons, Meghan McCabe-habrat, Austin Kearney.
描述: 1 videodisc (86 min.) sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.
责任: Pure Flix Entertainment, directed by Shane Hawks.


A faith-based family drama about a troubled teen who is forced to leave a self-destructive lifestyle and finds redemption through her faith in God and the rehabilitation of a rescued horse. With stunning visuals, breakthrough performances, and a beautiful soundtrack, Saving Winston is a heartfelt story about a lost soul seeking God's grace. Awarded Dove Foundations 'Family Seal of Approval' and recommended for all ages.
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