Bridging : How Gloria Anzaldúa's Life and Work Transformed Our Own (eBook, 2021) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Bridging : How Gloria Anzaldúa's Life and Work Transformed Our Own

Bridging : How Gloria Anzaldúa's Life and Work Transformed Our Own

Author: Suzanne BostNorma Elia CantúJorge Capetillo-PonceEsther CuestaKarina L CéspedesAll authors
Publisher: Austin : University of Texas Press, [2021] ©2011
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : Government publication : EnglishView all editions and formats
The inspirational writings of cultural theorist and social justice activist Gloria Anzaldúa have empowered generations of women and men throughout the world. Charting the multiplicity of Anzaldúa's impact within and beyond academic disciplines, community trenches, and international borders, Bridging presents more than thirty reflections on her work and her life, examining vibrant facets in surprising new ways and  Read more...
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Material Type: Document, Government publication, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Suzanne Bost; Norma Elia Cantú; Jorge Capetillo-Ponce; Esther Cuesta; Karina L Céspedes; María Deguzmán; Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba; Betsy Eudey; Elisa Facio; Shelley Fisher Fishkin; Lorena M P Gajardo; Gloria González-López; Jessica Heredia; Aída Hurtado; Glenn Jacobs; Claire Joysmith; AnaLouise Keating; Analouise Keating; Michelle Kleisath; Kavitha Koshy; Mary Catherine Loving; Andrea A Lunsford; Mariana Ortega; Ariel Robello; Denise A Segura; Gloria Steinem; Mohammad H Tamdgidi; Becky Thompson; Anahí Viladrich; Paola Zaccaria; Kelli Zaytoun; Lei Zhang
ISBN: 9780292734715 0292734719
Language Note: In English.
OCLC Number: 1280944736
Description: 1 online resource
Contents: Frontmatter --
Contents --
Con profunda gratitud --
Building Bridges, Transforming Loss, Shaping New Dialogues: Anzaldúan Studies for the Twenty-First Century --
PART I. The New Mestizas: "transitions and transformations" --
1. Bridges of conocimiento: Una conversación con Gloria Anzaldúa --
2. A Letter to Gloria Anzaldúa Written from 30,000 Feet and 25 Years after Her "Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to 3rd-World Women Writers" --
3. Deconstructing the Immigrant Self: The Day I Discovered I Am a Latina --
4. My Path of Conocimiento: How Graduate School Transformed Me into a Nepantlera --
5. Aprendiendo a Vivir/Aprendiendo a Morir --
6. Making Face, Rompiendo Barreras: The Activist Legacy of Gloria E. Anzaldúa --
PART II. Exposing the Wounds: "You gave me permission to fly into the dark" --
7. Anzaldúa, Maestra sebastián josé colón-otero --
8. "May We Do Work That Matters": Bridging Gloria Anzaldúa across Borders --
9. A Call to Action: Spiritual Activism . . . an Inevitable Unfolding --
10. Gloria Anzaldúa and the Meaning of Queer --
11. Breaking Our Chains: Achieving Nos/otras Consciousness --
12. Conocimiento and Healing: Academic Wounds, Survival, and Tenure --
PART III. Border Crossings: Inner Struggles, Outer Change --
13. Letters from Nepantla: Writing through the Responsibilities and Implications of the Anzaldúan Legacy --
14. Challenging Oppressive Educational Practices: Gloria Anzaldúa on My Mind, in My Spirit --
15. Living Transculturation: Confessions of a Santero Sociologist --
16. Acercándose a Gloria Anzaldúa to Attempt Community --
17. Learning to Live Together: Bridging Communities, Bridging Worlds --
18. Risking the Vision, Transforming the Divides: Nepantlera Perspectives on Academic Boundaries, Identities, and Lives --
PART IV. Bridging Theories: Intellectual Activism with/in Borders --
19. "To live in the borderlands means you" --
20. A modo de testimoniar: Borderlands, Papeles, and U.S. Academia --
21. On Borderlands and Bridges: An Inquiry into Gloria Anzaldúa's Methodology --
22. For Gloria, Para Mí --
23. Chicana Feminist Sociology in the Borderlands --
24. Embracing Borderlands: Gloria Anzaldúa and Writing Studies --
PART V. Todas somos nos/otras: Toward a "politics of openness" --
25. Hurting, Believing, and Changing the World: My Faith in Gloria Anzaldúa --
26. Feels Like "Carving Bone": (Re)Creating the Activist-Self, (Re)Articulating Transnational Journeys, while Sifting through Anzaldúan Thought --
27. Shifting --
28. "Darkness, My Night": The Philosophical Challenge of Gloria Anzaldúa's Aesthetics of the Shadow --
29. The Simultaneity of Self- and Global Transformations: Bridging with Anzaldúa's Liberating Vision --
30. For Gloria Anzaldúa . . . Who Left Us Too Soon --
31. She Eagle: For Gloria Anzaldúa --
Notes --
Glossary --
Works Cited --
Published Writings by Gloria E. Anzaldúa --
Contributors' Biographies --
Responsibility: ed. by Gloria González-López, AnaLouise Keating.


The inspirational writings of cultural theorist and social justice activist Gloria Anzaldúa have empowered generations of women and men throughout the world. Charting the multiplicity of Anzaldúa's impact within and beyond academic disciplines, community trenches, and international borders, Bridging presents more than thirty reflections on her work and her life, examining vibrant facets in surprising new ways and inviting readers to engage with these intimate, heartfelt contributions. Bridging is divided into five sections: The New Mestizas: "transitions and transformations"; Exposing the Wounds: "You gave me permission to fly in the dark"; Border Crossings: Inner Struggles, Outer Change; Bridging Theories: Intellectual Activism with/in Borders; and "Todas somos nos/otras": Toward a "politics of openness." Contributors, who include Norma Elia Cantú, Elisa Facio, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Aída Hurtado, Andrea Lunsford, Denise Segura, Gloria Steinem, and Mohammad Tamdgidi, represent a broad range of generations, professions, academic disciplines, and national backgrounds. Critically engaging with Anzaldúa's theories and building on her work, they use virtual diaries, transformational theory, poetry, empirical research, autobiographical narrative, and other genres to creatively explore and boldly enact future directions for Anzaldúan studies. A book whose form and content reflect Anzaldúa's diverse audience, Bridging perpetuates Anzaldúa's spirit through groundbreaking praxis and visionary insights into culture, gender, sexuality, religion, aesthetics, and politics. This is a collection whose span is as broad and dazzling as Anzaldúa herself.
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