The inn at Rose Harbor : a novel (Stampa a grandi caratteri, 2012) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The inn at Rose Harbor : a novel

The inn at Rose Harbor : a novel

Autore: Debbie Macomber
Pubblicazione: New York : Random House Large Print, 2012.
Serie: Rose Harbor, 1.
Edizione/Formato:   book_largeprint : Inglese : First large print editionVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
Jo Marie Rose opens the Rose Harbor Inn bed and breakfast in Cedar Cove in order to start a new life, but the inn and its first guests bring surprises into Jo's life.
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Genere/formato: Large type books
Love stories
Christian fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Debbie Macomber
ISBN: 9780739378281 0739378287
Numero OCLC: 1246289523
Descrizione: 464 pages (large print) ; 24 cm.
Titolo della serie: Rose Harbor, 1.
Responsabilità: Debbie Macomber.


Jo Marie Rose opens the Rose Harbor Inn bed and breakfast in Cedar Cove in order to start a new life, but the inn and its first guests bring surprises into Jo's life.
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