Tailspin (eBook, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Autore: Sandra Brown; OverDrive, Inc.
Pubblicazione: [S.I.] : Grand Central Publishing, 2018.
Edizione/Formato:   eBook : Document : IngleseVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown returns with a mix of spine tingling suspense and tantalizing romance in this thriller about a daring pilot caught in a race against time. Rye Mallett, a fearless "freight dog" pilot charged with flying cargo to far-flung locations, is often rough-spoken and all business, but soft on regulations when they get in the way of meeting a deadline. But he does have a  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: Fiction
Tipo materiale: Document, Risorsa internet
Tipo documento Risorsa Internet, Computer file
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Sandra Brown; OverDrive, Inc.
ISBN: 9781455572144 1455572144
Numero OCLC: 1159825759
Descrizione: 1 online resource
Responsabilità: Sandra Brown.


#1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown returns with a mix of spine tingling suspense and tantalizing romance in this thriller about a daring pilot caught in a race against time. Rye Mallett, a fearless "freight dog" pilot charged with flying cargo to far-flung locations, is often rough-spoken and all business, but soft on regulations when they get in the way of meeting a deadline. But he does have a rock-solid reputation: he will fly in the foulest weather, day or night, and deliver the goods safely to their destination. So when Rye is asked to fly into a completely fogbound northern Georgia town and deliver a mysterious black box to a Dr. Lambert, he doesn't ask questions. As Rye's plane nears the isolated landing strip, more trouble than inclement weather awaits him. He is greeted first by a sabotage attempt on his plane that causes him to crash land, and then by Dr. Brynn O'Neal, who claims she was sent for the box in Dr. Lambert's stead. Despite Rye's "no-involvement" policy when it comes to other people's problems, he finds himself irresistibly drawn to the intrigue surrounding his cargo . . . and to the mysterious and alluring Brynn. Soon Rye and Brynn are in a treacherous forty-eight-hour race to deliver the box before time runs out. With everyone from law enforcement officials to hired thugs hot on their heels, they must learn to trust each other so they can protect their valuable cargo from those who would kill for it.
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