March. Book 1 (Boek, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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March. Book 1

March. Book 1

Auteur: John Lewis; Andrew Aydin; Nate Powell
Uitgever: Marietta, GA : Top Shelf Productions, 2013. ©2013
Editie/materiaalsoort:   Fysiek boek : Biografie : Engels : Graphic novelAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
This graphic novel is a first-hand account of Congressman John Lewis' lifelong struggle for civil and human rights, meditating in the modern age on the distance traveled since the days of Jim Crow and segregation.
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Genre/vorm: Comics (Graphic works)
Graphic novels
Comic books, strips, etc
Biography Comic books, strips, etc
Biographies Bandes dessinées
Bandes dessinées
Genoemd persoon: John Lewis; John Lewis
Materiaalsoort: Biografie
Soort document: Boek
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: John Lewis; Andrew Aydin; Nate Powell
ISBN: 9781603093002 1603093001
OCLC-nummer: 1144637890
Onderscheidingen: Coretta Scott King Author Honor Award, 2014.
Children's notable lists, 2014.
Doelgroep: GN 760
Beschrijving: 121 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Andere titels: March one
Verantwoordelijkheid: John Lewis ; Andrew Aydin ; Nate Powell.


This graphic novel is a first-hand account of Congressman John Lewis' lifelong struggle for civil and human rights, meditating in the modern age on the distance traveled since the days of Jim Crow and segregation.
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