Blessed : a history of the American prosperity gospel (Buch, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Blessed : a history of the American prosperity gospel

Blessed : a history of the American prosperity gospel

Autor: Kate Bowler
Verlag: New York : Oxford University Press, 2018.
Ausgabe/Medienart   Gedrucktes Buch : Englisch : Oxford University press paperback editionAlle Ausgaben und Medienarten anzeigen
"How have millions of American Christians come to measure spiritual progress in terms of their financial status and physical well-being? How has the movement variously called Word of Faith, Health and Wealth, Name It and Claim It, or simply prosperity gospel come to dominate much of our contemporary religious landscape? Kate Bowler's Blessed is the first book to fully explore the origins, unifying themes, and major  Weiterlesen…
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Gattung/Form: Church history
Dokumenttyp Buch
Alle Autoren: Kate Bowler
ISBN: 0190876735 9780190876739
OCLC-Nummer: 1134435646
Beschreibung: xi, 337 pages : illustrations.
Inhalt: Gospels --
Faith --
Wealth --
Health --
Victory --
Conclusion: An American blessing --
Appendix A: Prosperity megachurch table, 2011 --
Appendix B: Naming names.
Verfasserangabe: Kate Bowler.


Kate Bowler's Blessed represents the first attempt to examine the twentieth-century American prosperity gospel movement as a whole, seeking to introduce readers to its major figures and features,  Weiterlesen…
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Blessed is beautifully written and extremely entertaining, yet not at the expense of its subjects. Bowler analyses them with academic rigor and as an insider-outsider-a Christian who does not claim Weiterlesen…


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