Body on Baker Street : a Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery (图书, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
Body on Baker Street : a Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery

Body on Baker Street : a Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery

著者: Vicki Delany
出版商: New York : Crooked Lane, 2017. ©2017
丛书: Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery
版本/格式:   打印图书 : 小说 : 英语查看所有的版本和格式
The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium on Baker Street and adjoining Mrs. Hudson's Tea Room will be hosting a book signing with the illustrious Renalta Van Markoff, author of the controversial Hudson and Holmes mystery series. But during the author Q&A session, dedicated Sherlockian Donald Morris verbally attacks Renalta and her series for disgracing Sherlock's legacy-- and Renalta collapses on the table dead.  再读一些...
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类型/形式: Detective and mystery fiction
Mystery fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
材料类型: 小说
文档类型 图书
所有的著者/提供者: Vicki Delany
ISBN: 1683312996 9781683312994
OCLC号码: 1125852935
描述: 296 pages ; 22 cm.
丛书名: Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery
责任: Vicki Delany.


The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium on Baker Street and adjoining Mrs. Hudson's Tea Room will be hosting a book signing with the illustrious Renalta Van Markoff, author of the controversial Hudson and Holmes mystery series. But during the author Q&A session, dedicated Sherlockian Donald Morris verbally attacks Renalta and her series for disgracing Sherlock's legacy-- and Renalta collapses on the table dead. Gemma and Jayne have no shortage of suspects among the Sherlock enthusiasts. Can they deduce the truth before the West London police arrest an innocent man?
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