The racial healing handbook : practical activities to help you challenge privilege, confront systemic racism & engage in collective healing (E-book, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The racial healing handbook : practical activities to help you challenge privilege, confront systemic racism & engage in collective healing

The racial healing handbook : practical activities to help you challenge privilege, confront systemic racism & engage in collective healing

Auteur: Anneliese A Singh
Uitgever: Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Publications, Inc., [2019]
Reeks: Social justice handbook series.
Editie/materiaalsoort:   E-book : Document : EngelsAlle edities en materiaalsoorten bekijken.
This handbook "offers powerful and practical tools to help you explore the history of racism, challenge stereotypes, and manage the stress and remorse that result from living in an unequal worlds. You'll understand your own racial identity, navigate daily and past experiences of racism, and examine ways racism affects all aspects of life-- from work to family to relationships. Finally, you'll discover how you can  Meer lezen...
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Genre/vorm: handbooks
manuals (instructional materials)
Handbooks and manuals
Guides et manuels
Handbooks, manuals, etc
Guides, manuels, etc
Aanvullende fysieke materiaalsoort: Print version:
Singh, Anneliese A.
Racial healing handbook.
Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Publications, Inc., [2019]
(DLC) 2020302416
Materiaalsoort: Document, Internetbron
Soort document: Internetbron, Computerbestand
Alle auteurs / bijdragers: Anneliese A Singh
ISBN: 9781684032709 1684032709 9781684032723 1684032725 9781684032716 1684032717
OCLC-nummer: 1108523780
Opmerkingen: "A New Harbinger social justice handbook"--Cover.
Beschrijving: 1 online resource (ix, 222 pages) : illustrations.
Inhoud: Know your racial identity --
Explore your internalized racism --
(Re)learn the history of racism --
Grieve and name racism --
Raise your race consciousness --
Catch yourself in the flow of racism --
Understand racism in relationships --
Reclaim your whole racial self --
Be a racial ally --
Engage in collective racial healing --
Conclusion: Time to dream : what does a racially just world look like?
Titel reeks: Social justice handbook series.
Verantwoordelijkheid: Anneliese A. Singh.


This handbook "offers powerful and practical tools to help you explore the history of racism, challenge stereotypes, and manage the stress and remorse that result from living in an unequal worlds. You'll understand your own racial identity, navigate daily and past experiences of racism, and examine ways racism affects all aspects of life-- from work to family to relationships. Finally, you'll discover how you can fight for racial justice, be an ally, and forge the building blocks needed to create a community of healing."--Cover.
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