Healing racial trauma : the road to resilience (Libro, 2020) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Healing racial trauma : the road to resilience

Healing racial trauma : the road to resilience

Autore: Sheila Wise Rowe; Soong-Chan Rah
Pubblicazione: Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2020]
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : IngleseVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
"People of color have endured traumatic histories and almost daily assaults on their dignity. Professional counselor Sheila Wise Rowe exposes the symptoms of racial trauma to lead readers to a place of freedom from the past and new life for the future. With Rowe as a reliable guide who has both been on the journey and shown others the way forward, you will find a safe pathway to resilience"--
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Genere/formato: Case studies
Études de cas
Informazioni aggiuntive sul formato: Online version:
Rowe, Sheila Wise, 1959-
Healing racial trauma
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP, an imprint of InterVarsity Press,
(DLC) 2019041599
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Sheila Wise Rowe; Soong-Chan Rah
ISBN: 9780830845880 0830845887
Numero OCLC: 1104863423
Riconoscimenti: Winner of Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award 2020
Winner of Christianity Today Book Awards 2021
Winner of Publishers Weekly starred review 2020
Descrizione: xi, 180 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Contenuti: Wounds --
Fatigue --
Silence --
Rage --
Fear --
Lament --
Shame --
Addiction --
Freedom --
Responsabilità: Sheila Wise Rowe ; foreword by Soong-Chan Rah.


"People of color have endured traumatic histories and almost daily assaults on their dignity. Professional counselor Sheila Wise Rowe exposes the symptoms of racial trauma to lead readers to a place of freedom from the past and new life for the future. With Rowe as a reliable guide who has both been on the journey and shown others the way forward, you will find a safe pathway to resilience"--
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