The lake of dreams (Kniha v Braillově písmu, 2019) [Texas Group Catalog]
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The lake of dreams

The lake of dreams

Autor Kim Edwards
Vydavatel: Sydney : Vision Australia Information Library Service, 2019.
Vydání/formát:   Kniha v Braillově písmu : Braille : EnglishZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
The darkest secrets are the ones we hide from ourselves ... Ten years ago, traumatized by her father's death, Lucy left her home and her country. Now, she returns to her family's rambling lakeside home to lay old ghosts to rest. Sleepless one night, Lucy makes a momentous discovery. Locked in a moonlit window seat is a collection of family heirlooms - objects whose secrets no one was ever supposed to find. Piecing  Přečíst více...
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Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Kim Edwards
OCLC číslo: 1102511371
Poznámky: This item has been produced using the Unified English Braille Code (UEB).
Produced in accordance with Section 113F of the Copyright Act 1968.
Uživatelské určení Adult.
Popis: 1 computer file or 4 volumes of Braille
Odpovědnost: Kim Edwards.


The darkest secrets are the ones we hide from ourselves ... Ten years ago, traumatized by her father's death, Lucy left her home and her country. Now, she returns to her family's rambling lakeside home to lay old ghosts to rest. Sleepless one night, Lucy makes a momentous discovery. Locked in a moonlit window seat is a collection of family heirlooms - objects whose secrets no one was ever supposed to find. Piecing together her family's true history, she realises that the story she has always been told was a fiction.
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