Xun zhao wu xian de jin tou = Turtles all the way down (Libro, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Xun zhao wu xian de jin tou = Turtles all the way down

Xun zhao wu xian de jin tou = Turtles all the way down

Autore: John Green; Juanfang Huang
Pubblicazione: Taibei Shi : Cheng bang wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2018.
Serie: Chao liu wen xue.
Edizione/Formato:   Libro a stampa : Fiction : Scuola secondaria : ChineseVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there's a hundred thousand dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett's son, Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: Fiction
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Tipo materiale: Fiction, Scuola secondaria
Tipo documento Libro
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: John Green; Juanfang Huang
ISBN: 9789571083377 9571083372
Numero OCLC: 1089692560
Descrizione: 335 pages ; 21 cm
Titolo della serie: Chao liu wen xue.
Altri titoli: Turtles all the way down.
Responsabilità: Yuehan Gelin ; yi zhe Huang Juanfang.


Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there's a hundred thousand dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate the short distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett's son, Davis. Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
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