The silver mask (图书, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
The silver mask

The silver mask

著者: Holly Black; Cassandra Clare; Scott M Fischer
出版商: New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., [2018] ©2017
版本/格式:   打印图书 : 小学和初中 : 小说 : 英语查看所有的版本和格式
"A generation ago, Constantine Madden came close to achieving what no magician had ever achieved: the ability to bring back the dead. He didn't succeed . . . but he did find a way to keep himself alive, inside a young child named Callum Hunt. Now Call is one of the most feared and reviled students in the history of the Magisterium, thought to be responsible for a devastating death and an ever-present threat of war.  再读一些...
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类型/形式: Fantasy fiction
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
材料类型: 小学和初中, 小说
文档类型 图书
所有的著者/提供者: Holly Black; Cassandra Clare; Scott M Fischer
ISBN: 9780545522380 0545522382 9781646970452 1646970454
OCLC号码: 1050339611
注释: "This book was originally published in hardcover by SCholastic Press in 2017." -- Title page verso.
描述: 232 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
责任: Holly Black and Cassandra Clare ; with illustrations by Scott Fischer.


"A generation ago, Constantine Madden came close to achieving what no magician had ever achieved: the ability to bring back the dead. He didn't succeed . . . but he did find a way to keep himself alive, inside a young child named Callum Hunt. Now Call is one of the most feared and reviled students in the history of the Magisterium, thought to be responsible for a devastating death and an ever-present threat of war. As a result, Call has been imprisoned and interrogated. Everyone wants to know what Constantine was up to -- and how he lives on. But Call has no idea. It is only when he's broken out of prison that the full potential of Constantine's plan is suddenly in his hands . . . and he must decide what to do with his power." -- Back cover.
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