Liar, liar (Kniha se zvětšeným písmem, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Liar, liar

Liar, liar

Autor Lisa Jackson
Vydavatel: Thorndike, Maine : Center Point Large Print, 2018.
Vydání/formát:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : Center Point Large Print editionZobrazit všechny vydání a formáty
"A woman searches for the mother she hasn't seen in twenty years, and uncovers a nightmare of greed and deception"--
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Žánr/forma: Large type books
Thrillers (Fiction.)
Detective and mystery fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Mystery fiction
Suspense fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Typ materiálu: Fiction
Typ dokumentu Kniha
Všichni autoři/tvůrci: Lisa Jackson
ISBN: 9781683249764 1683249763
OCLC číslo: 1048027756
Poznámky: Regular print version previously published by: Kensington Publishing Corp.
Popis: 613 pages (large print) ; 23 cm
Odpovědnost: Lisa Jackson.


"A woman searches for the mother she hasn't seen in twenty years, and uncovers a nightmare of greed and deception"--

Twenty years ago, ex-beauty queen Didi Storm worked the Vegas strip as a celebrity impersonator, with no time for her daughter, Remmi. Shortly before she leaped from a San Francisco building Didi's profile was rising again, thanks to a tell-all book. To Detective Dani Settler, it looks like a straightforward suicide, or perhaps a promotional stunt gone wrong. But Remmi knows the broken body on the sidewalk-- dressed in Didi's clothes and wig-- isn't Didi. Remmi was fifteen when she stowed away in Didi's car and became witness when Didi handed over one of her newborn twins to a man Remmi didn't recognize. Subsequently, Didi disappeared, as did Remmi's other half-sibling. Is there a connection? And will someone kill again to keep the truth hidden? -- adapted from back cover.

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