Pieces of her : a novel (Large print book, 2018) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Pieces of her : a novel

Pieces of her : a novel

Author: Karin Slaughter
Publisher: New York : Harper Luxe, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2018] ©2018
Series: Larger print
Edition/Format:   book_largeprint : Fiction : English : First Harperluxe editionView all editions and formats
Andrea knows everything about her mother, Laura. She knows Laura spent her whole life in the small beachside town of Belle Isle; she has never wanted anything more than to live a quiet life as a pillar of the community; she's never kept a secret in her life. But all that changes when a trip to the mall explodes into violence and Andrea suddenly sees a completely different side to Laura. Because it turns out that  Read more...
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Genre/Form: Large type books
Thrillers (Fiction.)
Detective and mystery fiction
Thrillers (Fiction)
Mystery fiction
Suspense fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Karin Slaughter
ISBN: 9780062845764 0062845764
OCLC Number: 1044719105
Notes: "Mother. Hero. Liar. Killer. How can you tell when all you have is ..."--Cover
Description: 722 pages (large print) ; 23 cm
Series Title: Larger print
Responsibility: Karin Slaughter.


Andrea knows everything about her mother, Laura. She knows Laura spent her whole life in the small beachside town of Belle Isle; she has never wanted anything more than to live a quiet life as a pillar of the community; she's never kept a secret in her life. But all that changes when a trip to the mall explodes into violence and Andrea suddenly sees a completely different side to Laura. Because it turns out that before Laura was Laura, she was someone completely different. For nearly thirty years she's been hiding from her previous identity, lying low in the hope that no one will ever find her. But now she's been exposed, and nothing will ever be the same again. Twenty-four hours later, Laura is in the hospital, shot by an intruder who's spent thirty years trying to track her down and discover what she knows. Andrea is on a desperate journey following the breadcrumbs of her mother's past. And if she can't uncover the secrets hidden there, there may be no future for either one of them.
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