QB 1 (eBook, 2013) [Texas Group Catalog]
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QB 1

QB 1

Autore: Mike Lupica
Pubblicazione: [Place of publication not identified] : Penguin Young Readers Group, 2013.
Edizione/Formato:   eBook : Document : Fiction : Pubblico giovane : IngleseVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
From #1 New York Times bestselling author of TRAVEL TEAM, HEAT, and MILLION-DOLLAR THROW comes a cheer-worthy, family-friendly football novel set amid the Friday Night Lights world of Texas high school football. Jake Cullen is a freshman quarterback playing high school football in the high-pressure land of Friday Night Lights (Texas). He is also the brother of Wyatt Cullen, who quarterbacked his team to the Texas  Per saperne di più…
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Genere/formato: Football stories
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Tipo materiale: Document, Fiction, Pubblico giovane, Risorsa internet
Tipo documento Risorsa Internet, Computer file
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Mike Lupica
ISBN: 9781101638583 1101638583
Numero OCLC: 1014285227
Descrizione: 1 online resource
Responsabilità: Mike Lupica.


From #1 New York Times bestselling author of TRAVEL TEAM, HEAT, and MILLION-DOLLAR THROW comes a cheer-worthy, family-friendly football novel set amid the Friday Night Lights world of Texas high school football. Jake Cullen is a freshman quarterback playing high school football in the high-pressure land of Friday Night Lights (Texas). He is also the brother of Wyatt Cullen, who quarterbacked his team to the Texas State Championship last season?not to mention the son of former NFL quarterback and local legend, Troy Cullen. To be a Cullen in Texas is to be royalty ... and a quarterback. All of which leaves 14-year-old Jake in a Texas-sized shadow, a tall order for any boy, especially one who's merely a freshman. While his teammates assume the starting job will be handed to Jake on a silver platter, the truth is that he has to fight for every snap and every ounce of respect. Jake may be a Cullen and he may play quarterback, but he is not his brother or his father. Being a good teammate comes naturally to Jake; being a winner and a celebrity does not. He's just like every other boy?awkward around a pretty girl, in awe of his famous family, and desperate to simultaneously blend in and cast his own shadow. Inspired by the real-life Manning family of quarterbacks (father Archie, Super Bowl-winning sons Peyton and Eli) and set amid the football-crazy culture of Texas immortalized in Friday Night Lights, QB 1 is a coming-of-age story perfect for the fan of MILLION-DOLLAR THROW, HEAT, and of course FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. "This is a wonderful book by a great writer. All football fathers and sons will enjoy it."?Archie Manning
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