Turtles all the way down (Livro, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Turtles all the way down

Turtles all the way down

Autor: John Green
Editora: New York, New York : Dutton Books, [2017] ©2017
Edição/Formato   Imprimir livro : Ficção : Escola secundária : InglêsVer todas as edições e formatos
It all begins with a fugitive billionaire and the promise of a cash reward. Turtles All the Way Down is about lifelong friendship, the intimacy of an unexpected reunion, Star Wars fan fiction, and tuatara. But at its heart is Aza Holmes, a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
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Gênero/Forma: Romans policiers
Romans pour adolescents
Romans américains
Romans psychologiques
Juvenile works
Juvenile fiction
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Tipo de Material: Ficção, Escola secundária
Tipo de Documento Livro
Todos os Autores / Contribuintes: John Green
ISBN: 9780525555360 0525555366
Número OCLC: 1006803220
Descrição: 286 pages ; 22 cm
Responsabilidade: John Green.


It all begins with a fugitive billionaire and the promise of a cash reward. Turtles All the Way Down is about lifelong friendship, the intimacy of an unexpected reunion, Star Wars fan fiction, and tuatara. But at its heart is Aza Holmes, a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
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