Body on Baker Street (Book, 2017) [Texas Group Catalog]
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Body on Baker Street

Body on Baker Street

Author: Vicki Delany
Publisher: New York : Crooked Lane, 2017. ©2017
Edition/Format:   Print book : Fiction : English : First editionView all editions and formats
In the second Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery, Gemma Doyle and Jayne Wilson's book signing event with Renalta Van Markoff ends in a Sherlockian controversy and death.
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Genre/Form: Detective and mystery fiction
Cozy mysteries
Thrillers (Fiction)
Mystery fiction
Romans policiers cozy
Romans, nouvelles, etc
Named Person: Gemma Doyle, (Fictitious character); Jayne Wilson, (Fictitious character)
Material Type: Fiction
Document Type: Book
All Authors / Contributors: Vicki Delany
ISBN: 9781683312994 1683312996
OCLC Number: 1001355912
Notes: Jacket illustration by Joe Burleson.
Description: 297 pages ; 22 cm.
Responsibility: Vicki Delany.


In the second Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery, Gemma Doyle and Jayne Wilson's book signing event with Renalta Van Markoff ends in a Sherlockian controversy and death.

The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium on Baker Street and adjoining Mrs. Hudson's Tea Room will be hosting a book signing with the illustrious Renalta Van Markoff, author of the controversial Hudson and Holmes mystery series. But during the author Q & A session, dedicated Sherlockian Donald Morris verbally attacks Renalta and her series for disgracing Sherlock's legacy-- and Renalta collapses on the table dead. Gemma and Jayne have no shortage of suspects among the Sherlock enthusiasts. Can they deduce the truth before the West London police arrest an innocent man?

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